
Causes of Blood Moon

There is a lot of myth and legend behind a Blood Moon. It is sometimes associated with rituals and witches, but the science behind a Blood Moon is actually quite simple. So, you may ask,  what causes a blood moon? First, you need to identify a Blood Moon, which is very simple. When looking at a blood moon, you can see that the moon has a copper or reddish appearance, hence making it a “blood” moon. Blood Moons happen during a total lunar eclipse. This occurs when  the Earth  moves between  the Moon  and  the Sun , casting a large shadow on the Moon, putting the Moon in darkness. Total lunar eclipses occurs when the Moon happens to be in a Full Moon stage. This means the Sun, Earth, and Moon are in an exact, straight line–None of them are slightly off or in a different plane. One meaning of a "blood moon" is based on its red glow. This blood moon occurs during a total lunar  eclipse . During a total lunar eclipse, Earth lines ...

Trees that don't touch

Crown shyness   is a phenomenon observed in some tree species, in which the  crowns  of fully stocked trees do not touch each other, forming a  canopy  with channel-like gaps.  The phenomenon is most prevalent among trees of the same species, but also occurs between trees of different species. The next time you're out walking through the forest, take a moment to look above you at the beautiful trees, and you might be pleasantly surprised by what you find. The naturally occurring phenomenon is called "crown shyness" because the uppermost branches of certain tree species don't like to touch one another. The intriguing behavior was first observed in the 1920s, and various hypotheses have been presented since then in an attempt to explain it. Some believe it occurs to reduce the spread of harmful insects. Others believe that trees are attempting to protect one another's branches from getting cracked and broken in the wind, and it's also been suggested that...

Polish Statue of Jesus turned into WIFI spot.

The figure of Christ the King in the town of Swiebodzin in Western Poland is the biggest monument of Jesus in the world. The total height of the figure with the mound is 52 meters (12 meters more than the height of Christ the Redeemer in Rio de Janeiro). Christ the King  ( is a statue of  Jesus Christ)  completed on 6 November 2010. It took five years in total to construct and cost around $1.5 million to build, which was collected from donations of the 21,000 residents of the town.   The world’s largest figure of Jesus Christ in Świebodzin has been blessed with newly installed equipment for commercial broadcasting of Internet signals – inform  Fakt 24 .pl . The antenna assembly was ordered by the parish priest in Świebodzin, the main initiator of the construction of the monument. The community denies that it knows about the antennas, and the internet provider informs that  More controversy arose 10 years after the statue’s complet...

Sea lions can dance to a beat .

Everybody dances. Whether performing on a stage, moving on the dance floor, or simply nodding their heads, everyone can keep the beat.  There are only two mammals on the earth with the proven ability to move their bodies in the time with the external beat: Humans and Sea Lions. When researchers at the University of Santa Cruz rescued a standard sea lion in 2013, they found that she was very smart, and she was even able to learn how to dance. Though parrots can also keep rhythm, it was previously thought that only animals are capable of complex vocal learning could do this. The sea lion was trained to listen to music, extract the beat, and nod her head in time.The wonderful part is that she was clearly listening to and matching each beat.  Rewarded with fish, she bobbed along to each different tempo. To make sure she was dancing to an internalized, learned rhythm and not just blindly following the sound, they used a metronome that would miss beats – and they fou...

Flowers and their Role in World Religions

 For centuries , flowers have been prized in different cultures worldwide for their beauty, fragrance, flavors and medicinal properties. Over time, certain flowers have been assigned various meanings . Today we still use flowers with these meanings in mind, to give more significance to important ceremonies, including religious traditions.  Apart from real-world uses, flowers can also often be found in religious art to add more symbolism and decorative aspects to an image.   Hinduism  The main hindu prayer rites are called puja , The Bhagvat Gita (the hindu holy book) instructs the followers to model themselves around the lotus, in order to be pure. Special ceremonies,such as wedding and funerals often feature garlands of flowers, especially jasmine.  Christianity  In Christian culture, flowers were once linked with decadence ( indulgence in pleasure of luxury) White flowers such as white lilies and roses are used to st...